August 200949 species so far this monthGannet Cormorant Little Egret Grey Heron Shelduck Sparrowhawk Hobby Buzzard Oystercatcher Whimbrel Mediterranean Gull > Black-headed Gull Herring Gull > Great Black-backed Gull Common Tern > Sandwich Tern > Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Tawny Owl Swift Swallow House Martin Tree Pipit Pied Wagtail Wren Dunnock > Robin Wheatear Blackbird Song Thrush Whitethroat Blackcap Chiffchaff Willow Warbler Long-tailed Tit Coal Tit Blue Tit > Great Tit Treecreeper Magpie Jackdaw > Rook Carrion Crow Starling House Sparrow > Chaffinch > Greenfinch Goldfinch > Linnet |
August 1st A wet morning helped to get August off to a good start with superb views of a Treecreeper at Rodwell Halt. At the very southern end of the trail a group of Gannets visible just beyond the crest of Chesil Beach at Ferrybridge were the first I've seen from the trail. Nearby 2 Shelduck flew over and a couple of Whimbrel were flying across the harbour, bringing a great morning's birding to a close. August 8th The first Tree Pipit of the autumn was heard calling high over Downclose this morning, and the Treecreeper was at Rodwell Halt again. 2 Med Gulls (an adult and a juvenile) were with a flock of BH Gulls hawking flying ants at Smallmouth. Other migrants included several juv Willow Warblers at various points along the trail. Apart from the birds the trail was alive with butterflies with literally hundreds of Painted Ladies and laarge numbers of Common Blues, Small Whites, Large Whites, Gatekeepers and Speckled Woods. Red Admiral, Comma, Wall and Meadow Brown were also about but in smaller numbers. August 10th Med Gull numbers are beginning to build up in the harbour with an adult and at least 3 juvs off Sandsfoot. A Tawny Owl was calling from the trail near Newstead Road at 0800 this morning. August 14th The first Wheatears of the autumn were on the shore below the Downclose embankment this morning. Many more Sparrowhawk sightings recently including 2 over Old Castle Road this morning. August 30th A large female Hobby dashed through the northern section of the trail this afternoon, probably chasing House Martins. August 31st Late this night a male Tawny Owl was calling from somewhere south of Newstead Road. |