August 201048 species so far this monthCormorant Shag Little Egret Buzzard Sparrowhawk Hobby Oystercatcher Redshank Common Sandpiper Mediterranean Gull > Black-headed Gull Herring Gull > Great Black-backed Gull Sandwich Tern > Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Swift Green Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker Swallow House Martin Pied Wagtail Wren Dunnock > Robin Wheatear Blackbird Song Thrush Sedge Warbler Whitethroat Blackcap Chiffchaff Willow Warbler Spotted Flycatcher Long-tailed Tit Blue Tit > Great Tit Magpie Jackdaw > Rook Carrion Crow Raven Starling House Sparrow > Chaffinch > Greenfinch Goldfinch > Linnet |
August 30th More of the same today plus a Sedge Warbler and a Great-spotted Woodpecker at Downclose. August 28th A few more migrants are slowly starting to appear with a Spotted Flycatcher at Rodwell and another Wheatear at Downclose. August 24th The first Wheatear of the autumn was at Downclose where there were also 2 Redshanks settled on the shore of the harbour. The first Raven seen since March was over Buxton Road heading west. August 17th A couple of young Sparrowhawks over Wyke Road looked like they had bred locally, probably in Rodwell Cutting somewhere. August 10th Highlight this morning was a Hobby - probably the same one I saw last week - dashing along the trail near Hillcrest Road. Nearby at the end of Dover Road was a family party of Chiffchaffs and the first Med Gulls and the first Common Sandpiper of the autumn were at Smallmouth. August 2nd The month got off to a great start yesterday with an adult male Hobby hunting around Abbotsbury Road and Weymouth Harbour. This morning the first of the autumn migrants were evident with a handful of Willow Warblers scattered along the trail - all juveniles. |