September 201041 species so far this monthCormorant Buzzard Sparrowhawk Mediterranean Gull > Black-headed Gull Herring Gull > Great Black-backed Gull Arctic Tern Sandwich Tern > Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Great Spotted Woodpecker Swallow Meadow Pipit Grey Wagtail Pied Wagtail Wren Dunnock > Robin Wheatear Blackbird Whitethroat Blackcap Chiffchaff Willow Warbler Goldcrest Long-tailed Tit Blue Tit > Great Tit Magpie Jackdaw > Rook Carrion Crow Raven Starling House Sparrow > Chaffinch > Greenfinch Goldfinch > Linnet Bullfinch |
September 28th A new bird for the trail today in the shape of a first-year Arctic Tern just off Downclose. Also 4 young Ravens there and a Buzzard over Old Castle Road. September 21st Downclose produced a bit of a corvid pasage today with 2 Rooks and 4 Ravens flying south. 2 Blackcaps heard calling near Marsh Road were the first for some weeks. September 20th A late Willow Warbler was near Hillcrest Road, greatly outnumbered by all the Chiifchaffs calling all along the trail. Otherwise not much about apart from a Bullfinch calling at Newstead Road. September 16th A steady passage of Meadow Pipits was coming across Portland Harbour and passing over Downclose this morning. Elsewhere a Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Old Castle Road. September 9th The first Grey Wagtail of the autumn was at Newstead Road today. |