December 201053 species so far this monthLittle Grebe Slavonian Grebe Black-necked Grebe Red-necked Grebe Great Crested Grebe Cormorant Shag Little Egret Grey Heron Dark-bellied Brent Goose Teal Mallard Red-breasted Merganser Goosander Buzzard Sparrowhawk Oystercatcher Lapwing Golden Plover Ringed Plover Dunlin Turnstone Black-headed Gull Mediterranean Gull > Herring Gull > Great Black-backed Gull Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Skylark Woodlark Meadow Pipit Pied Wagtail Wren Dunnock > Robin Blackbird Fieldfare Song Thrush Redwing Dartford Warbler Goldcrest Firecrest Long-tailed Tit Blue Tit > Great Tit Magpie Jackdaw > Carrion Crow Starling House Sparrow > Chaffinch > Greenfinch Goldfinch > |
December 28th In much calmer and warmer conditions no less than 15 Black-necked Grebes could be found today along with 2 Slavonian Grebes ans a single Goosander. December 27th Today produced one of the weirdest records of the year with a Little Egret stood on the platform at Rodwell Halt, looking for all the world as if it was waiting for a train! Sandsfoot turned up trumps again with a record number of 5 Goosanders and a single Black-necked Grebe. December 21st Another 2 waders for the December list today with an Oystercatcher at Whitehead's Pier and 2 Turnstones flying towards Ferrybridge. A group of 3 Goosander were feeding off Smallmouth and the castle produced 4 Slavonian and 3 Black-necked Grebes. December 18th Another snowy day but little on the move apart from a Ringed Plover and a Dunlin flying along the harbour shore. December 12th The star bird today was a Firecrest just above the Newstead Road entrance to the trail. Apart from that not very much after last weeks amazing bird blizzard, although it was good to hear the Dartford Warbler calling at its usual home in Downclose Cutting. December 2nd Several inches of snow overnight resulted in the expected cold-weather movement of Skylarks and Lapwings, with about 100 of each moving roughly in a northerly direction between 11 and 12. The star birds though were 4 Woodlarks which passed over Downclose during this movement. Other birds seen included 2 Golden Plover, a Dartford Warbler and a Red-necked Grebe, all seen from the Downclose area. |