![]() Sparrowhawk at Sudan Road, 8 November 2019 |
Great Northern Diver > common winter visitor to Portland Harbour One or two birds around in January and then nothing until the November storms when four were seen on November 8th. Then one or two around to the end of the year. Black-throated Diver regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour Just one sighting in January then two in early December staying mostly in the far southern end of the harbour. Red-throated Diver rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour A single bird was seen to fly south-west through the harbour on November 7th. Little Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour As last year they stayed away from the Harbour with just a single bird seen at Smallmouth in December. Slavonian Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Just one record of two or three birds off Downclose on December 8th, an exact repeat of last year, although a couple of birds were present in the northern corner of the Harbour from January to March. Black-necked Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Up to 20 seen through January - March but then just sporadic sightings at the end of the year with a maximum of just five birds seen in December. Great Crested Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour As last year no more than ten in the winter flock off Sandsfoot at the start of the year and just a handful of birds most days off Downclose at the end of the year. Red-necked Grebe regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour One off Castle Cove Sailing Club on January 20th, a very similar situation to last year. Gannet occasional visitor to Portland Harbour One or two birds often visible in the harbour, with five on one day in mid-March. Cormorant common in Portland Harbour all year Present in small numbers in the harbour all year. Shag common winter visitor to Portland Harbour A few seen from late October - April, mostly from Smallmouth. Five on the pipe at Underbarn on December 27th. Little Egret regular visitor to Portland Harbour Seen occasionally between Sandsfoot and Smallmouth. Grey Heron regular visitor to Portland Harbour Occasionally seen flying across the harbour, mostly in winter. Brent Goose common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Small flocks seen occasionally flying towards the Eel-grass beds off Sandsfoot, maximum numbers of 50 birds in January and 20 birds in March. On September 24th a recently-arrived juvenile Pale-bellied Brent was feeding close in by the Sailing Club. Canada Goose rarely recorded, although common at Radipole and possibly nesting on breakwaters A flock heard calling over the northern end of the trail on a single date early in the year. Shelduck rare visitor to Portland Harbour, possibly nesting on breakwaters A single bird sat on the sea near the Sailing Club on January 18th was the only record this year. Mallard regular visitor to Portland Harbour Just one record this year of a single bird in late January. Common Scoter rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour A distant bird was seen from Smallmouth on 22nd March. In November a small flock present off Downclose/Smallmouth throughout the month with a maximum of ten seen on the 6th. Velvet Scoter very rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour The bird seen flying south past Downclose on December 15th was the first record since December 2013. Goosander regular visitor to Portland Harbour most winters Although seen at Ferrybridge at the start and end of the year none were seen in the Harbour this year. Red-breasted Merganser common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Up to 60 present early in the year but fewer returned, with 20 a more typical number in November - December. Eider regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour A female arrived at Smallmouth on November 23rd, exactly the same date as last year! This bird was present through December, with a first-year male being seen occasionally as well, also a repeat of last year. Eider at Smallmouth, 29 November 2019 Osprey scarce visitor An Osprey was filmed for several minutes fishing just south of the trail off Hamm Beach on August 27th. Osprey fishing just south of Smallmouth, 27th August 2019 Buzzard less commonly seen than previously, perhaps 1 pair breeding nearby Only a handful of sightings until November when a particularly dark bird, probably a juv, was seen several times at Rodwell. A pair probably bred nearby at Underbarn. ![]() Buzzard at Rodwell Halt, 8 November 2019 Sparrowhawk commonly seen, perhaps 1 pair breeding Another good year for this species, with birds being seen at various sites along the trail most days. A pair seems to have bred again north of Buxton Road in Rodwell Cutting, with several juvs heard there on August 13th. Peregrine regular visitor A few sightings, mostly in the first half of the year with a pair hunting low over Wyke Cutting on January 1st. Kestrel once a regular visitor, now scarce Just one sighting this year, in early October. Merlin very rare winter visitor, only one record One seen at Smallmouth on October 11th was the first for the trail. Water Rail very rare winter visitor, one previous record One heard at Downclose in mid-November was only the second ever heard on the trail. Oystercatcher regularly seen in Portland Harbour all year Mostly seen just off the trail at Sandsfoot and Underbarn, with eight off Smallmouth on a low tide in March the highest count. Bar-tailed Godwit very rare, just one previous record A flock of 50+ over Smallmouth on April 22 were just part of a huge movement of 745 heading east over Chesil Beach that day. ![]() Bar-tailed Godwits, Smallmouth 22 April 2019 Whimbrel occasional visitor to Portland Harbour Several birds seen between April 16th and May 19th. Curlew rare visitor to Portland Harbour Just one record this year, a bird that was seen at Underbarn on a couple of occasions during February and was seen to fly past Sandsfoot Castle. Golden Plover rare winter visitor One was heard calling over Newstead Road on the afternoon of September 29th. Redshank very rare, three previous records One heard calling near the Sailing Centre on August 4th. Black-headed Gull commonly seen around the trail Usually a few around Castle Cove Sailing Club or flying across the harbour. Mediterranean Gull > commonly seen around the trail Regularly seen flying through the harbour during most of the year and over the northern end of the trail in the winter. A maximum count of 100+ off Smallmouth on December 30th. Common Gull occasional visitor to Portland Harbour Slightly more in evidence this year, particularly during the frequent spells of windy weather October - December. Herring Gull > common breeding bird Common throughout the year and seen from all points of the trail. ![]() Herring Gull, Stone Pier 29 December 2019 Lesser Black-backed Gull rare visitor to Portland Harbour Just a single record this year. Great Black-backed Gull common resident in Portland Harbour Usually 1 or 2 off Sandsfoot and also seen in flight from most parts of the trail. WEBS counts produced slightly higher counts than last year, with a maximum count of 100 on the breakwaters in late April. Common Tern > common summer visitor to Portland Harbour First seen on April 16th, a day later than last year. ![]() Common Tern, Weymouth Harbour 26 June 2019 Sandwich Tern common summer visitor to Portland Harbour First seen on March 22nd then just a few seen through the summer with the maximum count of 10 in September. Just one winter record, on December 30th. Little Tern regular summer visitor to Portland Harbour Not seen from the trail this year. Razorbill regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour A handful of sightings in Portland Harbour at the start and end of the year. Guillemot occasional winter visitor to Portland Harbour One January record of two birds. Wood Pigeon common breeding bird on the trail Common in all parts of the trail. Several large flocks (hundreds) seen in early November. Stock Dove recently returned after 35 year absence Not seen this year. Collared Dove common breeding bird on the trail Only recorded at the northern end of the trail, where several pairs breed. Kingfisher occasionally seen in the harbour, formerly more common One flying along the trail at Downclose was the first seen for several years and the only record away from the shoreline. Swift common breeding bird around the trail Common over the northern end of the trail from May to August. Green Woodpecker occasionally seen or heard Frequently heard around the middle sections of the trail with a young bird seen in July. No records after the end of September. Great Spotted Woodpecker regularly seen or heard, perhaps 1 pair breeding Frequently seen and heard all along the trail with two seen often seen at Rodwell Halt. Heard drumming there from January to April. Swallow regular spring and autumn passage migrant, occasional breeder First seen on April 7th, the same date as last year! Then just a few sightings up to the end of September. House Martin common breeding bird around the trail Commonly seen only in the Newstead Road area. A few still nesting near the Abbotsbury Road - Newstead Road crossroads. Skylark occasional autumn passage migrant On February 1st in the only real cold snap of the winter 50 were seen heading east at Smallmouth. Meadow Pipit increasingly scarce winter visitor and passage migrant A couple of sightings near Smallmouth early in the year including one in song on March 2nd. Grey Wagtail common winter visitor The tame bird was in Rodwell Cutting again this year from November to March. Also a few passing birds in late August and September. ![]() Grey Wagtail at Rodwell Halt, 5 November 2019 Pied Wagtail increasingly scarce visitor The pair breeding under Ferrybridge produced a number of sightings at Smallmouth in spring and summer including four youngsters at the 3nd of May. A passage of 10 birds moving north over the trail was noted in October. Yellow Wagtail rare passage migrant, one previous record Three flew north over Smallmouth on August 27th, the first record since 2008. Wren common breeding bird , approx. 10 - 20 pairs Common throughout the trail and in song all year. ![]() Wren at Wyke Halt, 25 July 2019 Dunnock > common breeding bird, but fewer than previously Common everywhere, particularly at the southern end. In song from mid December onwards, as last year. Robin common breeding bird, approx. 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Stonechat recently returned as a breeding bird Present intermittently in Wyke Cutting with one young bird seen on May 16th. Wheatear regular spring and autumn passage migrant Not seen this year. Blackbird common breeding bird, approx. 10 pairs Commonly seen throughout the year. In song from late February to mid July, with some sub-song heard in late December. ![]() Female Blackbird at Wyke Halt, 24 July 2019 Song Thrush common breeding bird , approx. 3 pairs Two or three birds in song from the start of the year up to the end of June. Fieldfare rare winter visitor During cold weather on February 1st a large number were feeding on the Knightsdale Road playing field. Redwing regular autumn and winter visitor Thousands of birds were involved in the cold weather influx on February 1st then after that there were just a two sightings, in March and November. Reed Warbler occasional spring migrant Heard singing on May 10th and 19th. Sedge Warbler rare spring migrant, just four records One singing at Downclose on May 19th, three days later than a similar record last year. Whitethroat regular summer visitor, sometimes breeds Seen and heard at Downclose from April 23rd to September, but no particular evidence of breeding this year. Lesser Whitethroat before 2017 a rare passage migrant After two years of suspected breeding there was just one record this year, on April 23rd. Blackcap common passage and winter visitor, possibly breeds A few birds present pretty much all year with singing males heard from March to July. Chiffchaff common summer and winter visitor, probably breeds One or two wintering birds at the end of the year and singing birds heard right through the summer and autumn up to October. Willow Warbler common passage migrant Spring birds seen from April 2nd and autumn birds from August 2nd. Yellow-browed Warbler one previous record One heard calling at the north end of the trail on September 25th. Goldcrest regular visitor, may breed Singing birds recorded on several days through the spring and summer with winter records confined to the end of the year. A pair were displaying immediately north of Wyke Road Tunnel on December 27th. Firecrest occasional winter visitor Three or four sightings in September, November and December, all around Rodwell Cutting or just south of Buxton Road. ![]() Firecrest at Buxton Road, 22 December 2019 Long-tailed Tit common resident, may breed Commonly seen throughout the year. Coal Tit common resident, approx. 1 pair breeding Heard singing or calling around the middle of the trail regularly throughout the year. Blue Tit > common resident, approx. 5 - 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Great Tit common resident, approx. 5 - 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Treecreeper occasional visitor, previously bred Just one record this year, at Rodwell Halt on November 5th. Nuthatch one previous record One heard near Old Castle Road on July 29th. Magpie common resident, probably breeds Commonly seen throughout the trail this year. ![]() Magpie, Newstead Road 28 June 2019 Carrion Crow common resident, approx. 5 pairs Common throughout the trail, with obvious territories approximately matching my own seven divisions. Jackdaw > common resident Can be seen flying over any part of the trail, but especially around Newstead Road. Rook previously common visitor Occasionally seen in winter months around the northern parts of the trail. Raven regular visitor A pair regularly seen around the southern end, with four birds seen on one occasion in September. Starling common resident Often seen on rooftops mainly around Newstead Road. House Sparrow > common resident Common throughout the trail, particularly at the two ends of the trail near Ilchester Road and Dover Road. ![]() House Sparrow at Ilchester Road, 22 December 2019 Chaffinch > common resident, probably breeds A few sightings through the winter and one or two singing males heard in the summer. Greenfinch previously common resident Up to five seen throughout the year, mostly around Downclose. Goldfinch > common resident Commonly seen throughout the year. Linnet common summer visitor, may be breeding Singing birds recorded in Downclose Cutting throughout the summer, with a young bird seen on May 19th. Bullfinch scarce, previously a regular winter visitor One heard on May 19th near Hillcrest Road. Brambling rare autumn passage migrant and even rarer winter visitor A very smart first-year bird near Whiteheads Pier on November 8th. |