![]() Kestrel, 12th March 2022 |
Great Northern Diver > common winter visitor to Portland Harbour. Also often seen in Weymouth Bay and passing off Portland. Another very poor year for this species, with just a couple of sightings in the first half of January. 2 or 3 birds often seen at tge end of the year, with 5 on November 27th. Black-throated Diver regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour. Also often seen passing Portland Bill. Up to three seen in the first half of January. Red-throated Diver rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour. Often off Chesil Beach and passing Portland Bill. Just one sighting this year, on November 27th just offshore near the Sailing Club, Little Grebe Some winters found at Smallmouth, common winter visitor to the Fleet. Breeds at Radipole and Lodmoor. No sightings at all for the third year running. Slavonian Grebe regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour and the Fleet One or two were seen with the Black-necks on several dates in January. Black-necked Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Only seen for the first five weeks at the start of the year, when up to 12 were present most days. From late November to the end of the year up to 4 were seen intermittently. Great Crested Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour, Weymouth Bay and the Fleet. Very few seen in the harbour this year away from Bincleaves where there were up to 15 birds present from January to early March. Red-necked Grebe regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour, also seen in Weymouth Bay. Not seen from the trail this year but a summer-plumaged bird was off Bincleaves on a couple of dates in March. Fulmar rare visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds on Portland. Just one sighting this year, of a single bird flying south along the shoreline at Smallmouth on April 17th. Gannet occasional visitor to Portland Harbour, commonly seen in Weymouth Bay and passing Chesil Beach and Portland Bill. Just one record this year, a single bird feeding in the harbour off Downclose. Cormorant common in Portland Harbour all year, breeds on Gad Cliff, 13 miles to the east. The unusually large flock seen at the end of 2021 was still around through January with up to 35 birds feeding together. At the end of the year the flock built up again with 40 birds seen flying west over Wyke Halt on December 17th. Shag common winter visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds b at Portland Bill. This species seemed to keep in the southern half of the harbour this year, hardly seen at all from the trail until the rough weather arrived in November. Great White Egret first record for the trail A Great White Egret dropping in to Radipole on September 19th was visible from the northern end of the trail, the 160th species seen since 2007. Little Egret regular visitor to Portland Harbour, common nearby in the Fleet. Very few sightings, just one or two at the end of the year. ![]() Little Egret, 27th May 2022 Only a handful of sightings this year, although a flock of ten or more birds appeared to be summering on the northern breakwaters, not visible from the trail. At the end of the year there were an unusual couple of sightings around Newstead Road. ![]() Heron at Sandsfoot, 8th October 2022 Mute Swan occasional visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds nearby at Radipole and Lodmoor. No records this year. Brent Goose common winter visitor to Portland Harbour, thousands winter nearby on the Fleet. The first Black Brant for the trail turned up with a flock of Dark-bellied Brents at the Sailing Club on April 20th. Canada Goose rarely recorded, although common at Radipole/Lodmoor and possibly nesting on breakwaters A flock of 20 birds flew low over Newstead Road on December 7th. The only other sighting was of 2 birds seen flying just outside the harbour entrance on December 17th. Shelduck rare visitor to Portland Harbour although common elsewhere, probably one or two pairs nesting on breakwaters. A pair was seen flying through the harbour on two dates in March and April. Five birds seen on April 17th on the southern end of the main breakwater from Portland Port suggest that at least two pairs are breeding there. The only other sighting was of a single bird in the middle of the harbour on December 11th. Mallard regular visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds Radipole/Lodmoor. Just one record this year of three birds at the sailing club late in late April, an exact copy of last year. Common Scoter rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour, commonly seen off Portland Bill and Chesil Beach. Two records this year, a single bird on January 30th and 2 on July 15th. Goosander regular visitor to Portland Harbour most winters Just three records this year, single birds on January 3rd, February 6th and November 20th. Red-breasted Merganser common winter visitor to Portland Harbour and the Fleet, rare elsewhere. Very small flocks seen in the early part of the year building up to a peak of 50 birds seen in early April, last seen on April 11th. Returning birds seen from November 4th with a maximum of 30 on November 20th. Eider regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour, rarely seen elsewhere locally. Three birds seen intermitently from November 24th including a fully adult male on December 11th. Buzzard variable presence with perhaps 1 pair breeding nearby Just a handful of records spread throughout the year including one at Wyke Road on March 6th and another over Downclose on September 17th. Sparrowhawk increasingly common, one pair breeds Just a handful of records spread throughout the year almost all around Wyke Road. A concentration of records in July (including one juvenile) suggesting another successful breeding season. Peregrine regular visitor, several pairs breed locally A few sightings spread through the year with, unusually, two in the centre of the trail. On February 13th a male Peregrine made an unusually low pass over the trail near Sudan Road and on June 4th one was near Hillcrest Road. Kestrel once a regular visitor now more scarce, common locally Single birds seen on several dates spread throughout the year. ![]() Kestrel, 12th March 2022 For the first time breeding was suspected along the trail with one or two pairs holding territories on the shore along the southern end. No young seen. Whimbrel regular spring passage migrant The first record for 2022 was of three birds at Smallmouth on April 17th. A single bird remained on the rocks by Wyke Cutting from April 27th to May 2nd. ![]() Oystercatcher and Whimbrel, 2nd May 2022 A bird seen near the Sailing Club on November 4th and December 5th. Redshank very rare, six previous records One calling opposite Wyke Halt on July 10th, a typical date. Common Sandpiper regular passage migrant Just one record, a flock of five on the shore opposite Wyke Halt on July 3rd. Long-tailed Skua first record for the trail Bird species no. 161 was a juv Long-tailed Skua heading west through the harbour on November 6th, the first skua seen since 2008 but not entirely surprising after a week of south-westerly gales. Black-headed Gull commonly seen around the trail Mostly seen in the mornings along with Mediterranean Gulls as birds from the Weymouth Bay gull roost slowly disperse towards the Fleet. Mediterranean Gull > commonly seen around the trail No notable records this year but seen regularly in all months of the year apart from June. Common Gull occasional visitor to Portland Harbour A typical year with just a few birds seen in October. Herring Gull > common breeding bird Common throughout the year and seen from all points of the trail. Lesser Black-backed Gull rare visitor to Portland Harbour although often seen elsewhere Just two sightings this year. Great Black-backed Gull common breeding resident in Portland Harbour Usually 1 or 2 off Sandsfoot as usual. Kittiwake rare visitor Strong south-westerlies on November 24th resulted in a westerly movement of gulls through the harbour, with around a hundred Kittiwakes through Ferrybridge, a few of which were seen from the southern end of the trail. Common Tern > common summer visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds at Lodmoor Late again this year, with no birds seen anywhere until May 1st. Thereafter a few passing through the harbour, with a noticeable absence of sightings in late May. Sandwich Tern common summer visitor to Portland Harbour The eight seen on April 3rd proved to be the highest count all spring, with only a few more seen through April and early May. A juv was present for a while from July 3rd and the last bird was seen on October 7th. Little Tern regular summer visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds nearby on Chesil Beach Seen at the southern end of the trail from April 28th onwards, with only a handful of subsequent sightings, mostly around Smallmouth. Razorbill regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds at Portland Bill Just one record of two birds in early January. Guillemot occasional winter visitor to Portland Harbour, breeds at Portland Bill Just one record in early January, although a bird was seen on the shore at Underbarn in late November. Wood Pigeon common breeding bird on the trail Common in all parts of the trail. A number of large flocks (hundreds) seen on several dates in November. Stock Dove recently returned after 35 year absence, breeds nearby at Wyke As in the last two years a bird put in a brief appearance at Rodwell Halt in late spring, on June 2nd this year. Two days later a pair were seen flying over Wyke Cutting. Collared Dove common breeding bird on the trail Again mostly recorded at Downclose and Newstead Road. Very scarce in October and November when most birds seem to collect at the Nothe. Kingfisher occasionally seen in the harbour, formerly more common One at the Sailing Club on November 27th. Green Woodpecker occasionally seen or heard Two rather unusual records this year, a bird feeding on the ground at Wyke Cutting on March 26th and one heard on July 19th at Chickerell Road which gave a single call in response to a passing ambulance. This bird was heard agin on August 7th. Great Spotted Woodpecker regularly seen or heard, perhaps 1 pair breeding Often heard calling around Rodwell Halt and drumming there on a number of dates in March but no records between the end of May and the beginning of October. Swift common breeding bird around the northern end of the trail Common over the northern end of the trail from mid May to early August. Swallow regular spring and autumn passage migrant, occasional breeder Distinct passage noted on April 24th and October 3rd. Sand Martin infrequent visitor to the trail, recently started breeding nearby at Radipole Lake A few recorded on passage on a couple of dates in September and October. House Martin common breeding bird around the northern end of the trail Commonly seen only in the Newstead Road area from mid April to October. Skylark occasional autumn passage migrant, breeds at Ferrybridge just south of the trail A few seen going east on October 3rd. A male held a territory this year just a few yards to the south of the trail before the bridge. Rock Pipit regular winter visitor, possibly breeds at Ferrybridge No records this year, but one or two seen at Ferrybridge where they may have attempted to breed. Meadow Pipit increasingly scarce winter visitor and passage migrant, breeds very close to the southern end of the trail Seen only during passage in March and October but a few usually present on the other side of Smallmouth throughout the year. Grey Wagtail common winter visitor Again no wintering bird at Rodwell but one seen there briefly on November 24th. Pied Wagtail infrequent visitor, but one pair possibly breeding this year Regular spring sightings of a pair at Smallmouth suggests that they may have bred on or very near the trail this year. Passage evident in early October. Wren common breeding bird all along the trail Common throughout the trail and in song all year apart from a few days in December. Dunnock > common breeding bird Common everywhere, particularly at the southern end. In song from mid December to early August, with some song heard in November. Robin common breeding bird, approx. 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Stonechat returned briefly as a breeding bird in 2019/20 One sighting at the beginning of the year, then 2 or 3 present from October to the end of the year. Wheatear occasional spring and autumn passage migrant No records this year, although one or two pairs present nearby on Chesil Beach. Black Redstart scarce winter visitor 2 records this year, one on a roof in Ilchester Road at the northern end of the trail on October 26th and another near the shore at the southern end on November 27th. Blackbird common breeding bird Commonly seen throughout the year. Two obvious influxes in January and November. In song from late January to early July, with some sub-song heard in October. Song Thrush common breeding bird , approx. 2 pairs Singing heard at just two locations this year, Wyke Road and Sudan Road, with sightings of birds intermittently throughout the year between these two sites. Fieldfare rare winter visitor No records this year. Redwing regular autumn and winter visitor Just 2 records this year, a flock of 20 over Newstead Road on October 22nd and a single bird there on December 17th. Dartford Warbler occasional winter visitor One at the traditional site of Wyke Halt on November 4th, the first since 2012. Reed Warbler occasional spring migrant No records this year. Sedge Warbler rare spring migrant, just five previous records Two birds heard singing on April 29th. Whitethroat regular summer visitor, sometimes breeds First seen in Wyke Cutting on April 24th and then constantly present to early July but no definite evidence of breeding this year. Lesser Whitethroat before 2017 a rare passage migrant The only record this year was a singing male on May 1st. Blackcap common passage and winter visitor, breeds most years Probably four breeding pairs this year. Heard singing every day from April 3rd to the end of July. Seen again from October 8th with a pair wintering in Newstead Road gardens in December. Chiffchaff common summer and winter visitor, probably breeds One or two present throughout the year with four or five pairs breeding at Marsh Road, Wyke Road, Buxton Road, Hillcrest Road and Downclose. Willow Warbler common passage migrant Seen/heard for just a few weeks from mid April to early May. Goldcrest regular visitor, may breed Singing heard at Rodwell Halt on March 19th and then on several dates from April - July at Downclose. Two autumn records at Rodwell, on November 27th and December 24th. Firecrest occasional winter visitor No definite records this year, although some suspicious calls heard at Buxton Road in November. Spotted Flycatcher rare migrant, just three previous records Not seen this year. Long-tailed Tit common resident, may breed Small flocks of up to 10 birds seen throughout the year on all but the most southern parts of the trail. Pairs seen at Downclose, Buxton Road and Wyke Road in April. Coal Tit common resident, breeding nearby Two seen at Rodwell Halt on February 6th. Heard singing near Sudan Road on July 15th and August 7th and heard calling occasionally throughout the year Blue Tit > common resident, at least 5 pairs Seen most days throughout the trail but perhaps not as often as previously. Great Tit common resident, at least 5 pairs Common throughout the trail. Jay occasional visitor At least one bird remained on the trail after last year's influx, with frequent records of a bird calling around Wyke Road up to April 24th, when one was seen to fly across the trail near Sudan Road. After this just one heard at Rodwell on October 3rd. Magpie common resident, probably breeds Commonly seen throughout the trail, although no evidence of breeding this year. An early nest was built near Asda in November, but not occupied. ![]() Magpie, Newstead Road, 12th March 2022 Common throughout the trail. Jackdaw > common resident Seen flying over every day especially in the northern half of the trail. ![]() Pair of Rooks on nest, 12th March 2022 Rook variably common visitor Three nests this year located immediately opposite last year's site by the Outdoor Education Centre. One fledgling heard seen from late May into June. A pair built a rudimentary nest in late November and were seen nearby to the end of the year. Raven regular visitor, breeds nearby at Bincleaves Seen mostly in the first half of the year. No sightings of young this year. Starling common resident Particularly evident around Dover Road and Newstead Road. House Sparrow > common resident Common throughout the trail, with concentrations at Ilchester Road, Newstead Road, Hillcrest Road, Dover Road, Osprey Road and Whiteheads Drive. Chaffinch > common resident and breeding species Relatively scarce this year with one singing just south of Buxton Road and another just off the trail near the Outdoor Education Centre. Greenfinch common resident Two or three breeding pairs, around Downclose and Wyke Halt. ![]() Greenfinch, Wyke Cutting, 28th May 2022 Goldfinch > common resident Commonly seen throughout the year, most likely breeding near Sudan Road. Siskin regular autumn passage migrant Not seen or heard this year, probably the first time they have been completely absent since 2007. Linnet common summer visitor and breeding species Singing in Wyke Cutting from April to July, with probably one breeding pair. Strong autumn passage noted on several dates particularly October 3rd. Bullfinch scarce, previously a regular winter visitor One sighting at The Marsh on November 4th. |