Dec 2013 (50 species) > Sep 2013 (33 species) > Jul 2013 (30 species) > May 2013 (24 species) > Apr 2013 (28 species) > Mar 2013 (38 species) > Feb 2013 (42 species) > Jan 2013 (50 species) > |
Great Northern Diver > common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Up to three in the harbour most of the time at the start of the year. The first bird of the winter was seen on December 22nd. Great Northern Diver, Hamm Beach, Dec 26th 2013 Two flying west through the harbour on December 24th, after a major storm on the 23rd. Red-throated Diver rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour One flying in high circles over the southern harbour on January 21st. Little Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour One or two in Small Mouth throughout January. Slavonian Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Up to six off Sandsfoot through January and February. One or two present from December 14th. Black-necked Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Up to 20 off Sandsfoot in January/February. The best ever winter count. From December 14th there were up to 16 there. Red-necked Grebe regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour Not seen this year. Great Crested Grebe common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Present from November - March with a peak of 30 in January. 20 were present through December. Cormorant common in Portland Harbour all year Present in the harbour all year and also seen flying over the Weymouth end of the trail. Shag common winter visitor to Portland Harbour A few in the harbour from November - February and again in December when large numbers (50?) were present in stormy weather at the end of the year. Little Egret regular visitor to Portland Harbour Not seen this year. Brent Goose common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Increasingly seen feeding on the Eelgrass beds off Sandsfoot Castle, up to 50 there during January. Eider occasional winter visitor to Portland Harbour A female was seen between Sandsfoot and Smallmouth on one date at the start of January, with a similar-looking bird off Sandsfoot on December 14th. Red-breasted Merganser common winter visitor to Portland Harbour Scarce at the end of the year, with just 10 or 20 present in the northern half of the harbour in December. Red-breasted Merganser, Hamm Beach, Dec 26th 2013 Not seen this year. Velvet Scoter rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour Two off Sandsfoot on several dates in January and February. One off Sandsfoot on December 30th. Common Scoter rare winter visitor to Portland Harbour Up to four off Sandsfoot in January and February. Sparrowhawk commonly seen, perhaps 1 pair breeding Odd individuals seen throughout the year all along the trail, with a distinct increase in late August/early September. Hobby occasional summer visitor 1 flew in from Portland Harbour over the Sailing Club on September 3rd. Kestrel regular visitor Two at Sandsfoot Castle on December 7th were the only birds seen since 2011! Peregrine regular visitor 1 over Newstead Road on December 7th. Buzzard commonly seen, perhaps 1 pair breeding nearby Very few sightings this year. Oystercatcher regularly seen in Portland Harbour all year Occasionally seen between Sandsfoot and Small Mouth throughout the year. Golden Plover rare autumn/winter visitor A cold weather movement involving 300 birds flying south on January 18th. Black-headed Gull commonly seen around the trail Commonly seen from all points of the trail throughout the year, although often outnumbered by Med gulls in the winter. Mediterranean Gull > Present from September - March with maximum counts in mid January when there may well have been a thousand birds around Ferrybridge, the harbour and the Fleet. Common Gull occasional visitor to Portland Harbour A few records in December. Herring Gull > common breeding bird around the trail Common throughout the year and seen from all points of the trail. Lesser Black-backed Gull rare visitor to Portland Harbour An adult off Sandsfoot on December 30th. Great Black-backed Gull common resident in Portland Harbour Usually 1 or 2 off Sandsfoot and also seen in flight from most parts of the trail. Common Tern > common summer visitor to Portland Harbour With the Lodmoor colony deserted few birds were seen until September, when there were 10 in the harbour on several dates, including some young birds. Sandwich Tern > common summer visitor to Portland Harbour Fewer records than usual this year. Razorbill regular winter visitor to Portland Harbour One off Sandsfoot on December 30th. Guillemot scarce winter visitor to Portland Harbour Not seen this year. Wood Pigeon common breeding bird on the trail Common in all parts of the trail apart from the far south. Collared Dove common breeding bird on the trail Common in all parts of the trail apart from the far south. Swift common breeding bird around the trail Common over the northern end of the trail from May to August. Green Woodpecker regularly seen or heard, perhaps 1 pair breeding Not seen or heard this year. Great Spotted Woodpecker regularly seen or heard, perhaps 1 pair breeding Heard calling around Rodwell once in January. Swallow regular spring and autumn passage migrant, occasional breeder Rarely seen this year. House Martin common breeding bird around the trail Common only in the Newstead Road area, with very few records elsewhere. Meadow Pipit common winter visitor and passage migrant Heard several times in the late autumn. Tree Pipit occasional autumn passage migrant One heard on August 29th. Rock Pipit common winter visitor to Portland Harbour One at Sandsfoot Castle on December 7th. Grey Wagtail common winter visitor One in Rodwell Cutting occasionally in January. Heard around the northern end of the trail several times in November and December. Pied Wagtail common breeding bird around the trail Heard occasionally around the northern end. Wren common breeding bird , approx. 10 - 20 pairs Common throughout the trail and in song all year. Dunnock > common breeding bird , approx. 10 - 20 pairs Common everywhere, in song from late November onwards. Robin common breeding bird, approx. 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Stonechat previously common, now a rare visitor A pair at Smallmouth on January 21st and a single bird at Downclose on December 22nd. Wheatear regular spring and autumn passage migrant Not seen this year. Blackbird common breeding bird , approx. 10 pairs Less common this year. Song Thrush common breeding bird , approx. 5 pairs A singing bird was heard near Downclose on December 14th. Redwing regular autumn and winter visitor Small numbers flying south in the cold weather movement on January 18th. Heard overhead from late October - December. Fieldfare scarce autumn and winter visitor Small numbers flying south over Smallmouth in the cold weather movement on January 18th. Blackcap common passage and winter visitor, previously bred Not seen this year. Chiffchaff common breeding and winter visitor, approx. 5 pairs One at the northern end of the trail in mid-January. Another in November. Willow Warbler common passage migrant Not seen this year. Goldcrest a few birds present all year Heard occasionally in Rodwell Cutting. Firecrest occasional winter visitor Not seen this year. Long-tailed Tit common resident, approx. 5 pairs Common all through the year from Newstead Road to Downclose. Coal Tit common resident, approx. 1 pair breeding Not seen or heard this year. Blue Tit > common resident, approx. 5 - 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Great Tit common resident, approx. 5 - 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Jay rare winter visitor One at the extreme northern end of the trail on January 29th. Magpie common resident, approx. 2 - 5 pairs A pair were seen nest-building just north of Wyke Road in early January. Carrion Crow common resident, approx. 5 - 10 pairs Common throughout the trail. Jackdaw > common resident Can be seen flying over any part of the trail, especially around Newstead Road. Rook common resident One or two on the playing fields at Knightsdale Road through December. Raven regular visitor One at Hillcrest Road on December 7th. Starling common resident Often seen on rooftops mainly around Newstead Road and Downclose. House Sparrow > common resident Common throughout the trail. Chaffinch > common resident Common throughout the trail, especially around Wyke Road. Greenfinch common resident Only regularly seen in the first half of the year. After that just one at Hillcrest Road on December 22nd. Goldfinch > common resident Common throughout the trail. Siskin regular autumn passage migrant Not seen or heard this year. Linnet common summer visitor, previously bred Not seen this year. Bullfinch common resident, approx. 1 pair A pair near Newstead Road on Feb 11th. |