Wildlife of the Rodwell Trail
previous years:
2024 (89 sp) 2023 (88 sp) 2022 (90 sp) 2021 (91 sp) 2020 (103 sp) 2019 (94 sp) 2018 (108 sp) 2017 (94 sp) 2016 (76 sp) 2015 (75 sp) yearly summaries: 2023 (88 sp) 2022 (90 sp) 2021 (91 sp) 2020 (103 sp) 2019 (94 sp) 2018 (108 sp) 2017 (94 sp) 2016 (76 sp) 2015 (75 sp) 2014 (75 sp) 2013 (66 sp) 2012 (79 sp) 2011 (84 sp) 2010 (99 sp) 2009 (98 sp) 2008 (97 sp) best months: Dec 2013 (50 sp) Jan 2013 (50 sp) Jan 2010 (60 sp) Nov 2008 (57 sp) Oct 2008 (57 sp) |
104 species so far this year
Great Northern Diver Black-throated Diver Red-throated Diver Black-necked Grebe Slavonian Grebe Red-necked Grebe Great Crested Grebe Little Grebe Fulmar Cormorant Shag Gannet Grey Heron Little Egret Mute Swan Dark-bellied Brent Goose Canada Goose Shelduck Mallard Red-breasted Merganser Eider Common Scoter Red Kite Sparrowhawk Buzzard Peregrine Kestrel Oystercatcher Bar-tailed Godwit Whimbrel Curlew Grey Plover Knot Redshank Greenshank Common Sandpiper Turnstone Black-headed Gull Mediterranean Gull > Common Gull Herring Gull > Lesser Black-backed Gull Iceland Gull Great Black-backed Gull Sandwich Tern Common Tern Little Tern Razorbill Wood Pigeon Feral Pigeon Stock Dove Collared Dove Green Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker Swift Swallow Sand Martin House Martin Rock Pipit Meadow Pipit Pied Wagtail Grey Wagtail Yellow Wagtail Skylark Wren Dunnock > Robin Wheatear Blackbird Fieldfare Redwing Song Thrush Cetti's Warbler (heard) Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Common Whitethroat Lesser Whitethroat Blackcap Chiffchaff Willow Warbler Yellow-browed Warbler Goldcrest Firecrest Spotted Flycatcher Long-tailed Tit Coal Tit Blue Tit Great Tit Magpie Rook Raven Jackdaw > Carrion Crow Starling House Sparrow > Chaffinch Bullfinch Greenfinch Goldfinch Siskin Linnet Reed Bunting Crossbill |
![]() Red-necked Grebe (photographed at Lodmoor on 16th November 2020) December 22nd From Downclose this morning I could see two Black-throated Divers, six Great Crested Grebes and the first Razorbill this year. December 6th The Iceland Gull which has been around Weymouth Harbour recently was off Bincleaves this morning and clearly visible from the viewpoint off Dover Road, making a useful addition to the trail bird list, which now stands at 157. From the same point a bit later on three divers were close in, two Black-throated and one Great Northern. December 1st A Curlew flying past Smallmouth and a Great Northern Diver close in off Downclose (with four Black-necked Grebes further out) were not entirely unexpected but a pair of very late Swallows flying around the houses at the extreme southern end of the trail definitely were! November 27th The first Slavonian Grebe of the winter was quite close in off Dover Road this afternoon. November 22nd A truly calm day and the birds were easy to find out on the harbour. These included the first Red-necked Grebe of the year off the Sailing Club and seven Black-necked Grebes further out. Several Great Northern Divers were immediately visible and a telescope search of the far distance led me to suspect that there may well have been ten or more altogether. Walking through Wyke Cutting the first Green Woodpecker of the year appeared briefly on a telephone pole. At Smallmouth the Red-throated Diver was feeding just off the rocks. November 13th A Curlew that flew over Sandsfoot Halt early this morning was probably the one that was at Bincleaves yeasterday. In the harbour the Red-throated Diver was off Downclose again. November 9th On the first really calm day for a while the first 5 Black-necked Grebes of the winter were off Downclose, along with 4 Great Northern Divers and a Red-throated Diver further out. November 3rd On what is forecast to be last of four days of wind and rain a Red-throated Diver turned up with a Great-crested Grebe close in off Bincleaves and proceeded to move along the shore past Sandsfoot Castle. Earlier in the morning hundreds of Woodpigeons were flying south over the trail. ![]() Red-throated Diver (from Chesil Beach), 9th November 2020 November 2nd The third day of gales produced another movement of Chaffinches with twenty or so heading south over Downclose. Nearby the pair of Stonechats were still around, this time near Dover Road. The big surprise though was the singing Blackcap at Newstead Road first thing. November 1st The gale continued today and resulted in a small movement (10 birds) of Common Gulls south through the harbour, with Linnets and Chaffinches overhead. Two flocks of unidentified ducks also flew past going south or west and may well have been mostly Goosander. October 31st On a very wet and windy day an early Great Northern Diver off the Sailing Club turned out to be an adult just coming out of breeding plumage. At Wyke Halt a Redwing was sheltering in the bushes along with a pair of Stonechats. ![]() Juvenile Mute Swans, Smallmouth, 26th October 2020 Three young Mute Swans at Smallmouth this morning were looking a bit lost after leaving Radipole yesterday lunchtime, when they narrowly cleared Westham Bridge as I was walking over it! October 23rd A Cetti's Warbler was singing by the Newstead Road bridge this morning. October 22nd A Reed Bunting heading south over Sandsfoot Halt this morning was the second for the trail this month but only the fifth and sixth records since 2007. There were still a few Chaffinches on the move, this time heading south as were a few more Meadow Pipits. The Kestrel was at the southern end of Wyke Cutting again and a flock of seven Brent Geese were seen to fly in towards Sandsfoot. October 18th A Fieldfare at Newstead Road this morning was the first of the autumn and the 100th species for the year. On the afternoon's low tide a record flock of 50 Brent Geese were feeding off Sandsfoot Castle. Walking back through Rodwell Cutting a calling Great Spotted Woodpecker was the first here for some weeks. October 13th An adult male Crossbill flew north just above treetop level at Rodwell Halt this morning. October 12th The first two Redwings of the autumn were in the trees at Marsh Road this morning. October 10th A Yellow-browed Warbler was calling loudly at Rodwell Halt this morning, possibly the same as I thought I heard a couple of weeks ago. A distinct westerly movement this morning, including several Pied Wagtails, Skylarks and Chaffinches. A Stonechat was at Wyke Cutting again, where there was also a Reed Bunting calling. Here also the now very regular Kestrel and a few more Chiffchaffs than have been seen lately. October 7th A number of species were involved in a general movement of birds south and east this morning, the first calm and dry morning for a week or so. Finches were the first birds noticed with ten or twenty Chaffinches heading south over the middle part of the trail, with a lone Siskin over Wyke Road later. At Downclose a couple of Stonechats were the first seen for nearly a year. Reaching Smallmouth a Redshank was seen to arrive from the east and a total of ten Brent Geese flew high across the harbour. Another first for the year list, a Red-throated Diver, flew over Ferrybridge and up the Fleet. October 5th Eight Skylarks flying west over Downclose today were the first seen on the trail this year. Siskins have been heard overhead frequently in the last month but today's flock of five flying north were the largest group seen so far. The Kestrel was about again over Wyke Cutting. September 20th The only Spotted Flycatcher so far this year on the trail was near the Outdoor Education Centre today, while the Kestrel at Smallmouth has been around for a few days. September 10th Although they've been going over for several days now today was the first time this year that Siskins could be heard over the trail. August 28th A Grey Wagtail, possibly the same one as four weeks ago, was back at Rodwell Halt today. August 27th Incredibly another species was added to the trail bird list today when a Greenshank was heard calling high over Newstead Road. August 26th The first migrant Grey Wagtail of the autumn flew south high over Downclose this morning, just after two late Swifts flew low over the trail heading west. Yesterday two Turnstones were at Smallmouth along with two Common Sandpipers. This time the Turnstones were actually on the trail, or at least right next to it. August 21st Suprisingly today's Turnstone seen from Smallmouth was the first I've ever seen from the trail. August 17th The first Yellow Wagtail for the year was heard flying over Downclose this morning and the first Whitethroat of the autumn was at Wyke Cutting. ![]() Juvenile Sparrowhawk, Rodwell Halt, 9 August 2020 One of the two young Sparrowhawks in Rodwell Cutting was visible this morning, but there was no sign of its sibling. Two Common Sandpipers were at Smallmouth, the first seen on the trail this year. August 7th The presence of a family of Sparrowhawks in Rodwell Cutting was confirmed this morning when an adult was seen flying away from where two calling young could be heard. At the same spot a Raven was heard calling low over the tree tops. August 5th What sounded very like a young Sparrowhawk or two were heard calling in Rodwell Cutting this morning. Last year they were first heard on August 13th. July 30th Reports of a Grey Wagtail at Rodwell Halt recently were confirmed today when an adult male was photographed in its usual spot at the southern end of the platform. At the other end of the trail the Fulmar turned up again, this time flying south over Smallmouth. ![]() Adult male Grey Wagtail, Rodwell Halt, 30 July 2020 An adult Willow Warbler below the searchlight platform was an interesting record this morning as it was very close to where a bird had been singing through April and May. July 11th A flock of 42 Shelducks passing west high over the harbour this morning was totally unexpected, most likely birds on their way to the Bristol Channel to collect with others before moving on to Germany. July 1st The pair of Kestrels were back this morning, at Smallmouth this time, again being very vocal. Nearby at Dover Road a young Great-spotted Woodpecker was on a telegraph pole, also being very vocal. June 13th For the first time in many years a pair of Kestrels were hunting together over the trail, near the Sailing Club. Whether this is the same pair that hunts over Curtis' Fields to the north-west I don't know, but would love to find out. May 29th After being seen again yesterday, today the Fulmar was seen a third time. Early this morning it spent some time circling in front of Sandsfoot Castle, as if prospecting. It then flew off towards Newton's Cove. On the beach at Underbarn the pair of Ravens were feeding two well-grown young. May 16th Good birds all along the trail today. First was a Stock Dove heard singing from its usual tree at Rodwell Halt. Even more rare was the male Bullfinch nearby, the first I've ever seen in this part of the trail. Newly fledged Robin and Carrion Crow were also good records here. At Downclose a Bar-tailed Godwit flew in and started feeding on the beach near the Sailing Club. The Lesser Whitethroat was showing well at Wyke Halt but no sign ofvthe Common Whitethroat that was there yesterday. Finally Smallmouth produced a female Wheatear and, probably the most unexpected sighting of the day, a Song Thrush hopping along the path on the last few yards of the trail. May 10th A flock of seven small geese high over the Trail at Wyke Halt may well have turned out to be Egyptian Geese had I got my bins on them sooner. On the way back a Fulmar appeared again at Downclose and over Newstead Road there were three Buzzards and a Red Kite. May 6th The first Little Terns were at Whitehead's this morning and a Little Egret flying high over Newstead Road was a rare record for that end of the trail. A Willow Warbler has been very vocal recently, singing from various spots near the Wyke Road Tunnel, suggesting that a pair may well be breeding on the trail this year, probably the first time this has happened. May 4th A Grey Plover calling at Smallmouth and a Lesser Whitethroat singing at Marsh Road today were both new birds for those sections of the trail. April 30th The first Swift was flying south over Downclose this morning. April 29th A Fulmar flying north along the shore at Downclose was today's highlight being only the second I've ever seen on the trail. In Wyke Cutting a Common Whitethroat was singing for the first time this year. April 27th A Bullfinch at the end of Hillcrest Road was a big surprise this morning. Nearby Cetti's, Reed and Sedge Warblers could all be heard but not seen. In the harbour three Great Crested Grebes appeared to be the only wintering seabirds left. April 26th The first Lesser Whitethroat of the year was back at its usual spot in Wyke Cutting this morning. At the very end of the trail a Wheatear and a Common Tern were also the first seen on the trail this year. April 21st A Whimbrel heading north over Downclose was the first for the trail this year but the most surprising sight today was the Great Northern Diver still present off the embankment. No mergansers visible in the harbour today. April 19th Still lots of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers about today, along with a Whitethroat and a Reed Warbler at Newstead Road. Two Mergansers are pretty much the only wintering seabirds left in the harbour. April 18th A major event today when a Knot turned up at Smallmouth, number 154 for the trail bird list. Apart from that a large number of migrants all along the trail. April 16th The first Sedge Warbler of the year was singing near the bottom of Old Castle Road early this morning and the Kestrel was back hunting in its usual spot at the end of Dover Road. Offshore a Grey Seal surfaced not far from Sandsfoot Castle. ![]() Dunnock at Downclose, 18 April 2020 A pair of Mallard at the sailing club was a good record for the trail this morning, with two Common Scoter still offshore here. April 10th This morning the This morning the first Whitethroat of the year was below the Marsh embankment along with a mini-fall of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers. The Kestrel and the Cetti's Warbler were both back at Downclose. April 9th Another shock today when four Mute Swans flew low over the trail at the end of Dover Road. April 8th A real surprise today when a Cetti's Warbler syddenly burst into song above the Sailing Club. Lots of Swallows flying north across the harbour too. April 1st A flock of over 40 Red-breadted Mergansers off Downclose this morning was the most seen in the harbour for a week or two. The regular Great Northern Diver and the flock of 5 Common Scoter were still present, along with 3 Sandwich Terns and a Grey Heron flying across from Portland. March 31st A very unexpected Kestrel turned up this morning at Wyke Halt. Previously a regular sight on the trail for the last ten years or so they have been very scarce. A pair of Pied Wagtails have been nesting again somewhere just off the southerh end of the trail but today a second pair was at the Sailing Club, a new site for this species. March 29th The first Willow Warbler of the year was at Sandsfoot Halt this morning. A Great Northern Diver was off Downclose, as it has been all week. March 28th The first three Sandwich Terns were off Smallmouth this morning, and a Gannet was diving close inshore off Sandsfoot Castle. March 26th A unprecedented four Red Kites, in two pairs, were circling over the southern end of the trail this morning. Over Buxton Road a Buzzard was performing a very dramatic display flight, the first time I've seen such a thing on the trail. Yesterday a Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming loudly at Rodwell Halt, the first time this year. ![]() Red Kite over Wyke Halt, 26 March 2020 March 24th The flock of Common Scoter were still off the southern end of the trail, numbering five this morning with the young male Eider not far away. At low tide five very smart Mediterranean Gulls were withthe other gullsat Whitehead's Pier. March 20th A Buzzard over Smallmouth was the first I've seen at the southern end of the trail. Oddly it was soon followed, at a lower altitude, by two Magpies which then proceeded to fly in the same south-easterly direction across the harbour. Today's wind was north-easterly. Greenfinches have been more numerous this year with up to nine seen in the Downclose - Wyke Halt area. March 17th Four Shelduck in the middle of the harbour was a very rare record thus morning. Black-necked Grebes have all been in breeding plumage for several weeks now; today there were just one or two off Downclose. February 27th The first Blackcap was heard singing near Hillcrest Road this morning. A Black-throated Diver was off Downclose in the morning, with a GreatNorthern there in the afternoon. Eight Black-necked Grebes were also seen, several in full breeding plumage. At Whitehead's Pier the male Eider was back and at low tide two Curlew were feeding. February 21st A few more birds off Downclose this morning with two Black-necked Grebes and three Common Scoter readonsbly close in near the Sailing Club. Towards Smallmouth and a lot further out was what may well have the female Eider again after an absence of several weeks. February 12th A very bright Chiffchaff at the southern end of Downclose Cutting somehow looked very like an early migrant, although with no pollen on its face I can't be sure. Two Great Northern Divers were offshore and five Black-necked Grebes were just south of Smallmouth. February 11th A Sandwich Tern was off Sandsfoot Castle this afternoon with four Great Northern Divers, a Black-necked Grebe and a Common Scoter further out. A smart male Bullfinch was in Downclose Cutting where there was also a Linnet and several Greenfinches. January 22nd Three new birds for the year today with two Common Scoter off Sandsfoot, a Coal Tit calling at Buxton Road and a Bullfinch opposite Marsh Road. January 13th The first Firecrest of the year was at Rodwell Halt and the female Eider was still at Smallmouth. January 1st A very quiet start to the year with two Eider at Smallmouth the only notable record. ![]() Grey Wagtail at Rodwell Halt, 05 January 2020 more on my video blog ... |