For once I actually managed to film the subject I set out to film, in this case one of the UK's largest spiders, the raft spider Dolomedes fimbriatus.
Always found on or near water, this powerful spider has even been known to catch small fish!
Its normal food is flies that land on the surface of the water.
It finds them by resting with its feet on the water surface and feeling for movements.
It obviously doesn't need to spin a web, and I didn't think it used silk for anything, but here you can see it seems to dab a spot of silk on the vegetation, perhaps so that it can find its way back later.
I only found the one raft spider, but there were literally hundreds of the common garden cross spider, Araneus diadematus.
This one had a bit of trouble cleaning its web after I threw a bit of grass onto it.
I also found a common lizard, but it didn't stay long.