Coldwater Marine Aquarium
Saturday August 26th 2017
These videos were all made in my shed, where I keep my marine aquarium.
The first is a sea-slug Archidoris pseudoargus, otherwise known as a sea-lemon.
The sea slug is on the side wall of the tank, but the video has been inverted to make the animal appear the right way up.
Imagine the camera is filming from above looking down into the aquarium and you'll get the idea.
I've speeded it up a bit, as you can see from the movements of the prawn that occasionally moves into view.
Now a very beautiful sea anemone.
I'm not sure which species this is, but it is probably one of the Sagartiogeton species, perhaps S.undata.
The delicate colouring is a result of the low light conditions in the tank, the real animal is much brighter.
Finally a video I made in 2014 of a common snakelocks anemone.